
Introducing the next generation SG28 sinker 电火花 with Mitsubishi 电s’s AI 技术 (Maisart) and M800 Series control system to pursue both ultra-low wear and high productivity.

  • Mitsubishi M800 series control, including an all-new LCD hand pendant control.

  • SS Jump 5 optimizes jump up and acceleration control to stabilize High-Speed NO-FLUSH machining (590”/min. 1.Z轴0英寸/分,X轴和y轴197英寸/分).
  • Thermal Displacement Compensation System utilizes temperature sensors that constantly monitor any changes in the work tank and environment.
  • 1GB用户程序存储空间


  • SG12配备了智能加工技术, all designed to give you an unprecedented level of control over your shop’s finances. With MAISART AI technology and a connection to our cloud-based remote360 machine monitoring, 你可以将你的工作效率提高30%, 缩短加工时间达50%, 减少浪费, and protect yourself from costly maintenance and downtime due to electrode wear.


  • 本机配有M800系列控制器, granting you and your team easy access to a wealth of useful data and hidden insights. 19英寸的触摸屏使用户可以滑动, 捏, 点击查看, making it an easy way to increase productivity and help keep track of production jobs.


  • Manages profit margins by balancing resources and energy consumption with high-speed production capabilities.


  • The on-board MAISART AI intelligence is designed to work in unison with the IDPM3, which can reduce wear in graphite electrodes while cutting machining time in half.
  • The GV80P energy-saving power supply reduces electrical consumption by 20% compared to the previous FP model.
  • 先进的挂件控制采用了全新的3.5“薄晶体液晶, providing automatic alignment and pickup routines (built into the control), and “walk around” portability significantly reduces work piece setup time.
  • Sided work tank is accessible from all 3 sides, making operation and maintenance quick and painless.
  • 具有高达275英寸/分钟的高速跳跃功能. (7米/分钟.)


  • SS跳5,787英寸/分钟. (20 m / min.)跳速@ 1.6G加速(无冲洗加工).
  • GV80P power supply provides 80 peak AMPs (GV120P –120AMP option).
  • 紧凑但高度刚性的机器设计.
  • 固定工作台行走柱结构.
  • 直接驱动交流智能伺服系统.
  • 三维横向伺服系统.
  • 超低损耗SC电路.
  • 精细哑光PS电路.
  • 窄间隙电路.
  • 易于访问的过滤系统,有两个过滤元件.
  • 介电流体发射.
  • 介电流体制冷机标准.


  • 自动润滑系统.


  • M800系列数控控制配有19块″符合人体工程学的触摸屏
  • 先进的吊坠控制与3.5英寸液晶显示屏,多菜单
  • 程序输入法:
    • 键盘
    • USB闪存
    • 带有FTP标准的以太网


  • IDPM-3 “Intelligent Digital Power Master” adaptive control with MAISART artificial intelligence.
  • CFAST compact flash card memory with a 1GB partition for user program storage.
  • ESPER Advance pro - life编程.


  • 全2年保修与三钻石合作伙伴计划.
  • Remote360-enabled (remote user monitoring, diagnostics, service support, and more).
  • Comes with one complimentary preventative maintenance visit—to be used by the end of 1st year.
机器行程:X X Y X Z in (mm) 25.6 x 17.7 x 15.7
马克斯. 介电流体液位:单位(mm) 3.0 ~ 15.7
电源(可选)/峰值电流 GV80P / 80安培
内部工作柜尺寸:宽×深×高in (mm) 37.4 x 27.5 x 17.7 (950 x 700 x 450)
马克斯. 工件重量:lb (kg) 2,200 (998)
表尺寸:宽x深in (mm) 33.5 X 23.6w 5t槽位
马克斯. 电极重量:lb (kg) 110 (50)
表到压板的最小距离.~马克斯.: in (mm) 7.9 ~ 19.7 (200 ~ 500)
工作台到C轴卡盘的最小距离.~马克斯.: in (mm) 7.9 ~ 19.7(200 ~ 500)欧陆ITS卡盘
工作台到C轴卡盘的最小距离.~马克斯.: in (mm) 7.2 ~ 19.0 (183 ~ 483) 3R宏卡盘
过滤器/类型 2 pc. /纸盒
重量:lb (kg) 7,716 (3,500)
C轴最小. 分度角/驱动单元 0.001 ̊/ 0.001 ̊
C轴转速范围 1 to 30
流体温度. 控制 冷却器FTS(标准)
地板到工作台水平距离:in (mm) 35.4 (900)
整机尺寸:宽×深×高(mm) 60.2 x 78.7 x 82.9 (1,530 x 2,000 x 2,106)
控制单元程序支持功能 E.S.P.E.R二世
控制单元加工功能 IDPM 3/Orbit Pro
控制单元图形显示功能 19英寸TFT彩色LCD
控制单元CPU /类型 M800系列/工业PC
介质流体系统储层容量:加仑(L) 124 (470)
安装尺寸:宽x深in (mm) 110.6 x 122.0 (2,810 x 3,099)
机结构 固定表/移动柱
C轴最大值. 电极重量:lb (kg) 110/22 (50/10)


伸卡球电火花 Helps 公司 Change Its Views on 电火花 Technologies






  • "The biggest thing for me with Mitsubishi 电火花s is the accuracy is far superior to other machines I’ve used in the past. 给机器装个零件, 结束部分, taking it out and it being the right size and location—it’s there all the time."

    亚当•霍尔, 质量工具 & 模具电火花操作工 阅读案例分析
  • "The quality and repeatability of Mitsubishi 电火花s is second to none."

    亚伦Wiegel, 维格尔的总裁 阅读案例分析
  • “总的来说,这台机器本身是可靠的. 在我这些年用过的所有制造商中, working with Mitsubishi 电火花 has been one of my best experiences."

    丹尼·里奇, head of 电火花 Department at Dies Plus (a division of OTTO Engineering) 阅读案例分析
  • "You don’t have to do anything but push a couple of buttons and it goes to mid points, center points–everything you want is right there on the pendant. 它让生活更简单. This thing is touch off, write the program, hit the start button and the machine does it for you."

    Daryl黄宗泽, 质量工具 & 凹模电火花操作员 阅读案例分析
  • “当涉及到应用专业知识, it’s a lot more difficult in any industrial OEM to find the breadth and depth that Mitsubishi 电火花 has."

    杰弗里·泰勒, 工艺技术部总裁兼总经理 阅读案例分析

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